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Meet the thought leaders, visionaries, and worldwide community changers who will share their ideas and expertise at the Columbus ICF Global Summit 26.


Doug McCollough
Chief Information Officer @ City of Dublin Ohio USA

As CIO of the City of Dublin, Ohio, Doug McCollough has worked to connect people to opportunities, and promote change in initiatives ranging from Smart and Connected Cities, IT Workforce Development, expanding broadband access, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, and Blockchain in Government.

He speaks and advises as a Subject Matter Expert and advocate on technical subjects, diversity, equity, inclusion, and using technology for economic development. Doug has held positions within the State of Ohio Departments of Public Safety, Commerce, Industrial Commission, and Medicaid.


Dr. Norm Jackniss
Sr Fellow @ Intelligent Community Forum

Dr. Norman Jacknis is currently Senior Fellow at the Intelligent Community Forum. His responsibilities include leading ICF’s Rural Imperative, building on the ideas he developed for the US Conference of Mayors on a future-oriented economic growth strategy for cities. Before joining ICF, he was Director, Cisco’s IBSG Public Sector Group (the company’s open innovation and pro-bono strategic advisory group), where he worked extensively with states and local government, the National Association of Counties, the US Conference of Mayors and the staff responsible for the Federal government’s website and citizen engagement. In addition to citizen engagement, his focus was on economic growth, innovation, and the future of technology.



John Jung
Co-Founder @ Intelligent Community Forum

ICF co-founder John G. Jung originated the Intelligent Community concept and continues to serve as the Forum's leading visionary. Formerly President and CEO of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance and Calgary Economic Development Authority, he is a registered professional urban planner, urban designer and economic developer. He leads regular international business missions to US, European, Asian, Indian and Australian cities, and originated the ICF Immersion Lab program. John is a regular speaker at universities and conferences and serves as an advisor to regional and national leaders on Intelligent Community development.


Lou Zacharilla
Co-Founder @ Intelligent Community Forum

Louis Zacharilla helped found the Intelligent Community movement. He is the developer of the Top Seven and Intelligent Community of the Year Awards programs. He helps the New York-based think tank communicate the importance of developing viable and innovative communities and cities audiences worldwide and oversees the new Institutes of the Intelligent Community Forum around the world. He is a frequent keynote speaker and a moderator at conferences and events. He appears regularly in the media to discuss the impact of broadband and access technologies on the rebirth of the world’s communities.



Matt Owen
Executive Director @ Intelligent Community Forum

Matt joined ICF in 2012 to manage the Forum’s events, video and audio production and online communications. In the years since then, he has steadily advanced in his competencies and responsibilities. Promoted to operations director in 2020, he assumed management of membership and sponsorship fulfillment while contributing to development and execution of ICF programs. As executive director, he now oversees the program, finances and operations of the Forum.


Moez Chaabouni
Founder, President & CEO @ Summit Technologies

Moez Chaabouni is the Founder and Managing Partner at Summit Technologies, a Salesforce Exclusive implementation Partner. ​By leveraging his decades of experience in the CIO role in Financial Services, Higher Education, and Public Sector, Moez acts as a trusted adviser and advocate for his customers and help their combined Business and IT teams move quickly to empower transformational automation initiatives leveraging the right components of the market-leading Salesforce Platform. ​Moez also serves as the Chairman of the International Jurors with the Intelligent Community Forum, where each year, he presides over the international jurors as they evaluate the accomplishments of the ICF Top 7 communities and crown the Intelligent Community of the Year. Additionally, Moez is an Adjunct Faculty at The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


Rob McCann
Founder @ Clear Cable

Rob McCann is the founder of Clearcable Networks and the President of the Hamilton Technology Centre. He has been working with advanced broadband service deployments in mid-market and rural cable and telephone systems since 1998. He is responsible for building and maintaining technical, network, and application intelligence. Rob works closely with several carriers, cable systems, municipalities, and network service providers in Canada, the US, and the Caribbean providing them with the technology, integration, and business practices required to effectively operate voice, video, and data services in the changing broadband service provider industry.

Robert Bell
Co-Founder @ Intelligent Community Forum

Robert Bell is co-founder of the Intelligent Community Forum, where he heads its research, analysis and content development activities. He directs the multi-stage analysis of communities for the annual Intelligent Community Awards program and authors the in-depth profiles of the Top Seven Intelligent Communities that are core to ICF's mission. Robert developed and leads the Intelligent Community Master Class and Community Accelerator programs, as well as ICF's advisory services for communities, and is a frequent speaker at municipal and telecom events.



Dana McDaniel
Partner @ Management Advisory Group

Former City Manager Dana McDaniel served as the chief administrative and law enforcement officer of the City of Dublin, responsible to City Council for the day-to-day operations for the City. Other responsibilities included advising Council regarding the financial status and future needs of the City, reporting to Council on the general operating of City departments, divisions, offices, boards, commissions, bureaus and agencies, as well as exercising leadership in the development of City projects.  Dublin is a two-time Top7 Intelligent Community and home to a Global Institute for the Development of the Intelligent Community, which is spearheading creation of Intelligent Ohio.


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